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Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Brief History of TED (not the person)

Smack dab in the middle of this thing we call the digital age and the limitless possibilities of the advent of the internet -- it has led us to many intellectual and communicative possibilities that would have otherwise not been realizable til now.  A phenomenon worth noting are the TED talks.

The official TED site states:
"TED was born in 1984 out of Richard Saul Wurman's observation of a powerful convergence among three fields: technology, entertainment and design." 
But in 1984 TED didn't have the technology it had today:
"But not  until between 2001 - 2006 they had reached more than one million views."
The significant impact TED has had on ourselves as a global consciousness is huge! The fact that we can spread philosophical, technological, existential, psychological, sociological ideas are big for the intellectual community. Because of this collective collaboration on groundbreaking ideas, intellectual discoveries have never been easier. We are no longer held in a small circle of thought but rather opened up to a larger intellectual world view. And, in this way, we don't have to feel so alone in how we feel about ourselves, others and within the world we are participating:
"TED Talks proved so popular that in 2007, TED's website was relaunched around them, giving a global audience free access to some of the world's greatest thinkers, leaders and teachers."
And, in 2012:
"TED Talks celebrated its one billionth video view. As TED Talks continue to be watched around the world, with an average of 17 new page views a second, the TED, TEDActive and TEDGlobal conferences continue to inspire, motivate and thrill attendees. In 2014, TED celebrates its 30th anniversary in Vancouver, Canada..."
TED talks could be comparable to that of the theaters of days past, before television or power, where people came saw, enjoyed and relished in the fact that new knowledge could be attained, acquired and pleasantly acquiesced in the form of entertainment -- but now we have the world as a stage.