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Friday, June 6, 2014

All that glitters may not be gold

Tensions in the last few weeks have risen as "Randy California," says Bloomsburg Businessweek, "has sued
the surviving members of Led Zeppelin and their record company for copyright infringement."

They also go onto say, "The 40-page complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania on May 31, is itself a tribute to Stairway‘s iconic status: Its section headings are in a typeface recognizable from Led Zeppelin album covers, and it cites as a cause for action the "Falsification of Rock N’ Roll History.""

As surely as the Battle of Evermore copyright infringements shall go on and on, probably after Page passes, then "all that glitters" probably won't be gold -- just legal papers and hassles.

Jimmy Page's iconic Led Zeppelin looks like it may go down like an actual lead Zeppelin.

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