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Thursday, June 5, 2014

The changing of the night show guards

Interesting to note that David Letterman and Jay Leno have or will be stepping down. This is a lot bigger than one may think. This is a change in the media mainstream entertainment. A paradigm shift. An entertainment shift. A shift in who will be entertained as the “general” populace and who the media industry thinks the general populace is.

So what is the general populace? Why does it matter? Why should we care? Plainly, I don’t care to watch. I don’t know. I just find very little worth watching on a daily basis. No hate towards that type of entertainment it’s just that I don’t care to appreciate it for what it’s worth, so sue me ;-) Or: I just don’t care for things that a general populace would care for. Then, why are you reading? Why should you care for what I have to say? Simple: an outside perspective in such an in-vasive world can be difficult to find. That is what I wish to provide.

In any event, the changing of the guards is just what it implies. There is something that needs to be guarded. Entertainment and news and the night show personalities are doing just that. They make life easy to live and palatable with their jokes. They make life easy and give us an escape. They are entertainment personalities that have a sorta common ground on the basis of humor, intelligence and views towards life. Thing is television is dying in the traditional sense. The myriad of news outlets that exist now are innumerable. Especially with the advent of the internet.

Due to the internet and the many forms of expression that are taking place like Instagram with photoblogging, Twitter and microblogging, Facebook and, well, you know, these are huge, huge ways for us to express, create and to form a social dynamic that is global and on some levels larger than life; and it’s just now evolving; it’s becoming an organism if it is not already. Social networks are life and promote life. A new form of self-expression is prevailing; social networking may be threatening or working for entertainment and freedom of speech as a whole: something that needs to be held secure and guarded but that may be just to “wag the dog”.

The common masses will still flock to the televisions but the amount of attention new media outlets, i.e., internet related media, will gain is tremendous and will not stop growing—at least not anytime soon. A Pandora’s box, if you will, in discovering a new human consciousness, a new way of being, a virtual being and that virtual being acts as an existential mirror of sorts. Something that indicates, subtly, how we are, what our basic needs are mutating into especially from Pavlov’s hierarchy of needs we all learned in that introduction to psychology class…internet is now at the bottom, the base.

In short, a transformation is happening and we are at the epicenter. The changing of the guards is just one of the signs that as Bob Dylan says, “…the times they are a changing…” and they are. It’s just a matter of what direction that change is heading. And, if guards are implied to be part of this collective consciousness, then what are they guarding, what needs to be so secure? Is it the safety of us or the safety of them? Far be it from me to surmise, but I will say if security for the collective is the dog and tail is the guards, just remember the tail doesn’t wag itself.

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